Idaho’s Fish and Game Department wants to boost
the Lolo management zone’s dwindling elk herd by killing up
to three-quarters of the area’s estimated 58 wolves and
maintaining low wolf numbers for the next five years. But some
biologists and conservation groups question the science behind the
plan — the department’s first attempt to manage
Idaho’s wolves since the federal government granted it the
authority in January (HCN, 1/24/05: Feds
to hand wolves to states

The elk herd, 27,000 strong in the early 1980s, has
collapsed to 5,000 animals. But habitat loss, not wolves, is to
blame, says Suzanne Asha Stone of Defenders of Wildlife: Decades of
wildfire suppression have allowed dense forest to reclaim many of
the open meadows the elk need for forage and calving grounds.

State biologists agree that habitat is the key concern.
But Jim Unsworth, the department’s wildlife chief, says the
Forest Service can’t restore it fast enough. “When you have
great habitat,” he says, “predators aren’t an issue.”

Department computer models indicate that wolves are
keeping elk numbers down. But John Kie, a University of Idaho
biologist who reviewed the proposal for the state, points out that
a bigger herd could outgrow the existing habitat and crash.

“These guys aren’t wolf haters,” says retired
University of Idaho wildlife professor Jim Peek, but Idaho’s
anti-predator politics are fierce and “they have to manage the
elk.” The herd’s numbers remain low despite the fact that the
state already manages the area’s bears and cougars through
hunting. Reducing wolf predation through aerial gunning and
trapping, says Unsworth, is “the last tool in our toolbox.”

The department sent the proposal to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service April 4 for review.




This article appeared in the print edition of the magazine with the headline Mass wolf kill rests on shaky science.

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