In May 2003, two environmental studies graduate
students at the University of Montana in Missoula teamed up with
the university?s Dining Services, a $2.5 million-per-year business,
to start the Farm to College program. Since then, the efforts of
Crissie McMullan and Shelly Conner have made large-scale local food
purchasing a reality: The university has bought more than $150,000
worth of food from over 40 local and regional vendors.

The university has switched to regionally grown and processed
safflower oil, signed a contract to purchase Montana wheat
products, started buying local produce when in season, and created
a specialty retail section in the campus store, featuring local
pasta products, beef jerky, cheese and granola. This fall, all
hamburger patties served at the university?s cafeterias will be
made from Montana natural beef.

For information, contact or 406-243-5861.

This article appeared in the print edition of the magazine with the headline University gets smart about food.

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