Learn how to make changes to your subscriptions via the account dashboard. If you need help logging in to your account, view our tutorials on account access.

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Renew a subscription

If you’re on a termed subscription — the only subscription option HCN offered prior to February 2024 — you need to take action ahead of your expiration date to continue your digital access or keep receiving the magazine.

You will receive email and mailed notices reminding you about your expiration date and providing ways for you to renew. And you can also renew at any time from your account dashboard.

Note: Your specific renewal notice may offer a discount if it is your first time renewing. Renewing via your account dashboard will not take into account that discount, so follow the instructions you’re mailed or emailed to take advantage.

Convert your termed subscription

You can add a new recurring subscription option at any time via your account dashboard. If you would like to apply the prorated balance of your existing termed subscription to your new recurring subscription, please contact our customer service team at (970) 527-4898 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MT Monday through Thursday or email support@hcn.org.

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