With nearly half their reservation lands covered with coal exploration permits or leases, the Northern Cheyenne tribe in Montana has reason to believe that full-scale development could threaten their continued tribal existence.

Cheyenne fight, again, for land

With nearly half their reservation lands covered with coal exploration permits or leases, the Northern Cheyenne tribe in Montana has reason to believe that full-scale development could threaten their continued tribal existence. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/6.20/download-entire-issue

Colony pulls out of oil shale race

Citing inflation, tight money and the absence of a national energy policy, the Colony Development Operation — the favored developer of western Colorado’s oil shale — stumbled, fell, and pulled out of the race. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/6.20/download-entire-issue

Rancher/environmentalist Art Fawcett

Despite his ranch duties and his job as chairman of the Wyoming group of the Sierra Club, Art Fawcett still finds time to add to an impressive collection of wildflower and wildlife photos and participate in local community life. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/6.20/download-entire-issue