The miracle may be happening. Reaction to our decision to cease publication was so swift and decisive that now, barring unforeseen circumstances, High Country News appears to be saved.

Optimism reigns

The miracle may be happening. Reaction to our decision to cease publication was so swift and decisive that now, barring unforeseen circumstances, High Country News appears to be saved. Download entire issue to view this article:

Peregrines are in danger

Before the extensive and indiscriminate use of the pesticide DDT starting in 1946, the peregrine falcon was one of the most prolific and widespread birds of prey in the U.S.; now it is a recent addition to the endangered species list. Download entire issue to view this article:

The politics of legislating

The author observes the debate and vote on Wyoming’s House Bill 22A, which would regulate reclamation and other aspects of strip mining. Part two in a two-part series. Download entire issue to view this article: