The mess at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge requires a closer look to understand the larger forces at play. Plus, a silver lining on the California drought and a snapshot of the election season.

Save water, skip the burgers

Sena Christian, in “Growing Heavy,” explains that many of California’s farmers, in order to cope with the ever-decreasing water supply, are putting their resources into their most valuable food crops, which also happen to be the most water-intensive. But many of the state’s most water-intensive field crops are not even destined for human consumption, but…

Sharing food … and history

Thank you for Patricia Limerick’s essay on the complex sociology of the current conflict over oil and gas development (“Fractured,” HCN, 2/22/16). Learning from the past has not been one of the West’s strengths. Many Westerners seem as passionately devoted to ignoring or denying history as Ms. Limerick is to bringing history to bear on…

Snapshot of a sad moment

When a band of militants took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon this winter, we at High Country News worked hard to understand not only what was happening day by day, but also why it was happening. What did Ammon Bundy and his supporters actually want? We’re still trying to figure it out.…

Taxing water

The article from Feb. 22, “Growing Heavy” by Sena Christian, does an excellent job of presenting the issue of California’s agricultural water usage. Unfortunately, the article misses the essence of what is exacerbating the effects of California’s drought: bad economics. The market has incorrectly priced water for agriculture, which is subsequently destroying California’s economy and…

Welcome, Glenn Nelson

We’re excited to report that Seattle-based journalist Glenn Nelson is joining High Country News as our newest contributing editor. Glenn’s work has broken down barriers for diversity and inclusion in discussions about public lands. He’ll be joining fellow contributing editors Cally Carswell, Sarah Gilman and Michelle Nijhuis to bring even more great stories to the…

Getting beyond yes or no

The Feb. 22 article “Fractured” corresponded in several ways with my own experience in dealing with management issues at the Carrizo Plain National Monument in Southern California. In the course of an oral history project, I interviewed a great many ranchers who were often unhappy about the restrictions placed upon grazing. On a number of…

Stop trying to make biking in wilderness happen. It’s not going to happen.

I shouldn’t be writing this, and you shouldn’t be reading it. Far more pressing issues face our public lands. But a vocal minority is drudging up the long-resolved question of mountain biking in wilderness. They have even drafted a bill for somebody to introduce in Congress — the Human-Powered Wildlands Travel Management Act — that…