Unlike in most states, the Montana environment has a real champion: Fish and Game Department head Frank Dunkle, who has fought Montana governor Forrest Anderson to a virtual standstill.

Montana is unique … environment has real champion

Unlike in most states, the Montana environment has a real champion: Fish and Game Department head Frank Dunkle, who has fought Montana governor Forrest Anderson to a virtual standstill. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/3.5/download-entire-issue

Predator control in Wyoming

Part two — “Of eagles and old wives tales” — in a multi-article series on predator control in Wyoming. Even though bald and golden eagles are protected by federal law, many ranchers insist on killing these birds out of fears that they kill livestock. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/3.5/download-entire-issue

Wyoming to continue grizzly bear hunts

Wyoming will have grizzly bear hunting seasons again in 1971 in Park and Teton counties, although with six fewer permits than were issued last year. Download entire issue to view this article: http://www.hcn.org/issues/3.5/download-entire-issue