We add a correction when any factual error or confusion is found in a story, no matter who identified the error or how quickly after publication it was found.

When a factual change is made, or a clarification that changes the meaning of a sentence, a note needs to be added to the bottom of the article, above the author’s bio line. Typos do not need a note, unless it is a misspelling of a proper noun. Our style is:

Note: This story has been corrected/updated TK CORRECT INFO, TK DESCRIBE CORRECTED ERROR. 

*We do not use asterisks. 

The writer or editor will submit to the corrections administrator the following:

  1. What word, number or sentence needs to be corrected
  2. Exactly what that word, number or sentence should be replaced with
  3. The note to add at the bottom of the article.

The corrections administrator may edit it for clarity, but should run it past the writer or editor if possible before publishing to make sure it’s 100% correct. If the correction is coming from social media, email, etc., it needs to be confirmed/hunted down by the writer. If it comes from social media, the digital editor will respond. Corrections on stories that run in the print magazine will be published in print, at the earliest opportunity. If we know of specific outlets that have cross posted, contact those outlets directly.